Sunday, 2 June 2013

Introduction to the New Testament in Braid Scots - 1901

"The New Testament in Braid Scots"

Preface: "Thar are mony folks, wha hae spoken English a' their grown-up days, wha like to gang back to the tongue o' their bairnhood, i' the mirk and shadows o' auld age. Thar are ithers wha seem tae tak better to the Word when it comes to them wi' a wee o' the Scottish birr. And thar are a hantle o' folk and I meet them a'gate--wha dinna speak Scots theirsels, but are keen to hear it, and like to read it. "And thar is anither consideration--the Scots tongue is no gettin extendit, and some folk think it may be tint a'thegither or 'or lang. And God's Word is for a'men; and ony lawfu' means ane can use to get folk to read it, and tak tent til't, is richt and proper. For a' thae reasons and ithers I coud bring forrit, I hae putten the New Testatment intil Braid Scots. Lat nae man think it is a vulgar tongue--a mere gibberish to be dune wi' as sune as ane is bye the schule-time. It is an ancient and honourable tongue; wi' rutes deep i' the yird; aulder than muckle o' the English. It cam doon till us throwe oor Gothic and Pictish forebears; it was heard on the battle-field wi' Bruce; it waftit the triumphant prayers and sangs o' the Martyrs intil Heeven; it dirl't on the tongue o' John Knox, dencouncin wrang; it sweeten't a' the heevenlie letters o' Samuel Rutherford; and aneath the theek o'mony a muirland cottage it e'en noo carries thanks to Heeven, and brings the blessins doon!........." "And I haena putten pen to paper unbidden. A wheen screeds o' the Word dune intil Scots I had at times putten afore the public een; and folk wad write me, "Hae ye ony mair o't? Is the hail Testament in Scots to be gotten?" till I begude to think that aiblins Providence had gien me the Scots blude and the Scots tongue, wi' the American edication, for the vera reason that--haein baith lang'ages--I soud recommend the Word in Scots; and juist Scots eneuch not to be unfathomable to the ordinar English reader." "Whiles thar has been a chance o'making the meanin planer; whiles a Scots phrase o' unco tenderness or wondrous pith coud come in. And at a' times, ahint the pen that was movin, was a puir but leal Scots heart, fu' o' prayer that this sma' effort micht be acceptit o' the dear Maister--and, survivin a' the misca'in o' the pernickity and the fashionable--micht bring the memoryh o' a worthy tongue, and the better knowledge o' a Blessed Saviour, to this ane and that ane, as they micht chance to read it."

William Wye Smith (The Rev.) St. Catherines Canada

Sunday, 26 May 2013

23rd Psalm in Scots

23rd. Psalm in Scots

The Lord is my Shepherd in nocht am I wantin'
In the haugh's green girse does He mak me lie doon
While mony puir straiglers are bleatin' and pantin'
By saft-flowin' burnies He leads me at noon.

When aince I had strayed far awa in the bracken,
And daidled till gloamin' cam ower a' the hills,
Nae dribble o' water my sair drooth to slacken,
And dark grow'd the nicht wi' its haars and its chills.

Awa frae the fauld, strayin' fit-sair and weary,
I thocht I had naethin' tae dae but tae dee.
He socht me and fand me in mountain hechts dreary,
He gangs by fell paths which He kens best for me.

And noo, for His name's sake, I'm dune wi' a' fearin'
Though cloods may aft gaither and soughin' win's blaw.
"Hoo this?" or "Hoo that?" -- oh, prevent me frae spearin'
His will is aye best, and I daurna say "Na".

The valley o' death winna fleg me to thread it,
Through awfu' the darkness, I weel can foresee.
Wi' His rod and His staff He wull help me to tread it,
Then wull its shadows, sae gruesome, a' flee.

Forfochen in presence o' foes that surround me,
My Shepherd a table wi' denties has spread.
The Thyme and the Myrtle blaw fragrant aroond me,
He brims a fu' cup and poors oil on my head.

Surely guidness an' mercy, despite a' my roamin'
Wull gang wi' me doon tae the brink o' the river.
Ayont it nae mair o' the eerie an' gloamin'
I wull bide in the Hame o' my Faither for ever.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Aul sayins fae tha hamested

My mother, to me: on the occasion of me reclining for a few moments on her chair,

"Luk at ye lyin bak thur like a churn a dryin."

Monday, 18 March 2013

Dandlin Sangs

Ally Bally (Coulter's Candy)

Ally bally, ally bally bee,
Sittin' on yer mammy's knee,
Greetin' for a wee bawbee, (crying) (a halfpenny)
Tae buy mair Coulter's candy. (to) (more)

My, yir legs are affa thin, (awfully)
A couple o' banes covered ower wi' skin, (bones) (over)
Noo yir gettin' a wee double chin, (now)
Wi' sookin' Coulter's Candy. (sucking)

Ally bally, ally bally bee,
When you grow up you'll go to sea,
Makin' pennies for your daddy and me,
Tae buy mair Coulter's Candy.

Mammy gie's ma thrifty doon, (give) (money box) (down)
Here's auld Coulter comin' roon', (old) (around)
Wi' a basket on his croon, (with) (crown/head)
Selling Coulter's Candy.

Coulter he's a affa funny man, (very)
He mak's his candy in a pan, (makes)
Awa an greet to yer ma, (away) (cry) (your)
Tae buy some Coulters candy. (to)

Little Annie's greetin' tae,
Sae whit can puir wee Mammy dae, (so) (what) (poor) (do)
But gie them a penny atween them twae, (between) (two)
Tae buy mair Coulter's Candy.

My Aunt Jane

My Aunt Jane she tuk me in
An gien me tay oot o her wee tin
Half a bap wae sugar on tha tap
An three black balls fae her wee shap

My Aunt Jane sez drink yer tay
An sing oot til yer dyin' day
An ye wunner why I an sae prood
An ye wunner why I sing sae lood

For my Aunt Jane she tuk me in
An gien me tay oot o her wee tin
Half a bap wae sugar on tha tap
An three black balls fae her wee shap.

Dance Tae Yer Daddie

Dance tae yer daddie, My bonnie laddie, 
Dance tae yer daddie, My bonnie lamb
You will hear a fiddle, A story an a riddle
You wull hear a fiddle, When the boat cums hame
Dance tae yer daddie, My bonnie laddie, 
Dance tae yer daddie, my bonnie lamb 
Ye’ll soon hear a sang, Aa can sing alang 
Ye’ll soon hear a sang When the boat cums hame
Dance tae yer daddie, My bonnie laddie, 
Dance tae yer daddie, my bonnie lamb 
An ye’ll get a fishie, In a wee dishie 
An ye’ll get a fishie, When the boat cums hame

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Cuddle Doon Link

In line with this Saturdays Column I'm posting a link to the oul Scots favourite Cuddle Doon by Alexander Anderson

Monday, 14 January 2013

Betsy Grey and the Hearts of Down

Tae pass a dreighy day

If'n yer oanythin lik masel ye'll no bae tae far travel't this wather. Aye, it's oan oul, coul, wet, days lik tha yins wae hae noo that A hae mine o ma mither lukkin oot tha winda an tellin' me, " thon's a day fer tha fire". Maun bit it's a lucky man that haes his kindlin' split an his scuttles fu tae tha brim.
Bit yince yer settled whut dae ye dae. Fer thurs niver oanythin worth watchin' oan tha box an tha wireless disnae git guid tae tha nicht. Weel, if ye'll heed me, January is a quare month tae git caught up wi tha readin'. Iver tha past wheen o' years thur haes bin near a dizin o' tha oul Ulster-Scots classics reprinted.
If lik masel yer fae tha Ardes, an even if yer no, ye cud dae a hale locht worse thon tae git houl o' yin o' W.G. Lyttles buks tae pass a dreighy day.
Tha buks ir scrieved in tha 'kail-yard' style that wus popular, acroass tha scheugh, in Scotland at tha time. Yin o' tha main features o' this style is its use o twa languages fer whiles tha story is scrieved in English, aa tha taakin perts ir in Ulster-Scots. Noo es ye ken Am near aye oan fer tha braid Scots tha hale road. Bit A hae tae admit its no tha worst wye o wurkin. Especially fer aa thon wha ir a wee bit mere hesitant in readin tha hamely tongue.
If ye havnae read W. G. Lyttle A wud recommend ye tae stairt wi 'Betsy Grey and the Hearts of Down'. A story woven aroon oor ain folk an history. Tha buk taks es bak tae 1798 whun Betsy an hir  brither George alang wi hir fiance Willie Boal tak pert in tha 'Turn oot', tha name gien tae tha United Irish rebellion bye tha folk in tha Ardes. Tha buk follas brave Betsy fae tha Smidy at tha sax road ends tae tha battle o' Ballynahinch whur shae faced tha muskets an canons o tha King's sodjers. Aye tha dinnae mak them lik thon oany mere.
Tae nixt time lang may yer lum reek an yer spicket dribble

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Lisneal College Burns Night

Hello Oul freens you are all invited to Lisneal's Burns Night Supper, Concert and Ceilidh on Friday 25th January at 7pm. The entertainment includes Tullitrain Pipe Band, Sollus, Shelly Anne Campbell and Tiny Feet schools of dance as well as a variety of talented local singers and musicians. Followed by the Alistair Scott Ceilidh Band. Tickets are priced at £14.50 and can be bought from the School Office (028 71348888)